Our Carbon Reporting and Reduction Plan
Solos Consultants Ltd has committed to reducing it’s carbon emission to Net Zero by 2035, using as far as possible direct reduction, and offsetting the remainder.
We do this because we are conscious of the environmental, social and economic imperative to act on climate change.
The UK Government amended the Climate Change Act 2008 in 2019 by introducing a target of at least 100% reduction in the net UK carbon account (i.e. a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions when compared to 1990 levels) by 2050. As a result, Central Government Departments, their Executive Agencies and Non-Departmental Public Bodies are required to ensure that suppliers to contracts with an annual value of in excess of £5 million (excluding VAT) per year are committed to achieving “Net Zero by 2050” for all procurements after 30th September 2021.
This has led to PPN 06/21 which applies to all new procurements from this date and this includes framework call-offs and Dynamic Purchasing Systems where the anticipated individual value of the call-off or DPS is £5 million (excluding VAT) per annum or more. To demonstrate compliance, we have set out our environmental management measures in our Carbon Reduction Plan which includes:
- Confirming our commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2050 for our UK operations.
- Details of our carbon footprint/current emissions for the sources included in Scope 1 and 2 of the GHG Protocol and a defined subset of Scope 3 emissions.
- Providing emissions reporting of the CO2e (Carbon Dioxide Equivalent) for the greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol (predominantly carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide).
- Setting out the environmental management measures we have adopted including specific carbon reduction measures.
- Publication of our Carbon Reduction Plan on our website.
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