10 tips for recruiting (and finding a new job) in 2015
The first month of a new year is an incredibly busy time for recruitment. Businesses reassess their needs for the coming year, while job-hunters driven by New Year’s Resolutions renew their efforts to find a new career.
The normal January recruitment chaos is likely to be made even busier by recent news that employment is at a record high and pay has risen above inflation for the first time in six years. New jobs are being created all the time and following a pre-Christmas boost in employment, the trend looks set to continue into the New Year.
Whether you’re looking for a new job or hoping to recruit in 2015, we have some useful tips to help you find the job of your dreams or the ideal employee to drive your business forward.
Tips for employers
Finding the perfect individuals for new positions can be tricky and time-consuming, and you might want to make use of a recruitment specialist in the busy post-Christmas period. In the meantime, here are 5 top tips to bear in mind:
- Use standardised application forms. This will help you compare candidates more easily, as everyone provides exactly the same information in the same format.
- Consider outsourcing. Expert advice and a professional service to handle your recruitment can be a real time-saver, as well as helping you get the ideal person for the job.
- Be clear on the job and person specification. You need to know exactly who you’re looking for, and you also need to communicate to applicants exactly what the role will entail. Ensure you have a clear person specification and make the job specification as accurate and detailed as possible.
- Use competency-based interviews. The Forum of Private Business advises asking competency-based questions during the interview process, to establish strengths and weaknesses and determine whether the applicant can actually perform the duties of the role.
- Always, always get references. It seems like an obvious point, but so many employers forget to get references before appointing a candidate. Get at least two professional references and also a character reference if the role is one that involves a great deal of trust.
Tips for job-hunters
If you’re looking for a new job in 2015, remember these tips for a successful New Year job search:
- Tailor each application to the role. It may be time-consuming, but your conscientiousness could really pay off. Besides, employers can easily spot a ‘one size fits all’ application.
- Keep your CV refreshed. If you stay up-to-date, you won’t end up being pushed close to the application deadline trying to refresh your CV.
- Do your research. Make sure you know something of what the company does, along with its ethos, before interview if you want to impress.
- Get networking. Set up a LinkedIn page and start connecting with others in your industry, getting the word out that you’re looking for a new job, and attend industry networking events to get your face out there.
- Get feedback after an interview. You may not have landed the job, but feedback could help you to improve your technique for next time.
Whether you’re an employer looking for new talent or a job-seeker looking for a new career path, tor all your recruitment needs in 2015 get in touch with Solos Consultants.
Image courtesy of STUART MILES AT FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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